Saturday 2 November 2013

Bijuu Counting Song

Bijuu kozoyota! Hajimari hajimari!

Hitotsu hitoyori ii namuri Shukaku
(1st sleeping better than people, Shukaku)
Futatsu (fire) moeteru Matatabi
(2nd like burning fire Matatabi)
Mitsu mizunara makaseru Isobu
(3rd leave the water to him, Isobu ) 
Yotsu youga attsuize Son Goku
(4th as hot as lava Son Goku )
Ittsutsu itsudemo kakeashi Kokuo 
(5th always on the run Kokuo)
Mutsu murisezu awatezo Saiken
(6th the laid back Saiken)
Nanatsu nanafushi soratobu Chomei
(7th flying leaf insect chomei)
Yatsu yappari (wee) daji Gyuki
(8th wee is all it needs. Gyuki)
Kokonatsu ko-kon to saikyou Kurama
(9th goes ko-kon the best, Kurama)
Koto soro o to bijuu no nakama
(all the bijuu have finally become friends)
Jyouoii muzutakedo ii namae
(a bit difficult, but good names)
Minna rippana namae dane
(everyone has a good name)
Minna suteki na namae dane
(everyone has a wonderful name)

Otsugi wa Jinchuriki! Ikutebao!

Hitosu hidoi kumadayo Gaara
(1st with terrible dark circles, Gaara)
futatsu funyaan to neko nade Yugito
(2nd with a silky cat voice, Yugito)
Mitsu Mizukage yondaime no Yagura
(3rd the 4th mizukage Yagura)
Yotsu yonjyunen yonbii to Roshi
(4th togther for 40yrs yonbi and Roshi)
Ittsutsu ikatsui (power) ano Han
(5th tough and powerful is Han)
Mutsu mukuchina kiragashi Utakata
(6th calm and dressed in kimono, Utakata)
Nanatsu nadomosu kunoichi Fu
(7th, the heartwarming kunoichi Fu)
Yattsu yabaii o (rap) no Killer Bee
( 8th and his killer raps, Killer Bee)
Kokonotsu konoha no Uzumaki Naruto
(9th from kohona is Uzumaki Naruto
Totemo tsuyoi Jinchuriki no minna
(all are powerful jinchuriki)
Bijiuu to nakayoku nareru kana?
( can they befriend the bijuu)
Minna rippana shinobi dane
(they are all good shinobi)
Minna tsuteki na shinobi dane
(they are all wonderful shinobi)

Monday 29 July 2013

Lailatur Qadar

Malam yang lebih baik dari seribu bulan atau kira-kira 83 tahun 4 bulan. Kita kenalinya dengan malam "Lailatul Qadar"

Firman Allah SWT dalam surah al-Qadr menjelaskan dengan cukup indah dan cukup cantik. 

Sesungguhnya Kami telah menurunkan (Al-Quran) ini pada Malam Lailatul-Qadar, 

Dan apa jalannya engkau dapat mengetahui apa dia kebesaran Malam Lailatul-Qadar itu? 
Malam Lailatul-Qadar lebih baik daripada seribu bulan. 
Pada Malam itu, turun malaikat dan Jibril dengan izin Tuhan mereka, kerana membawa segala perkara (yang ditakdirkan berlakunya pada tahun yang berikut); 
Sejahteralah Malam (yang berkat) itu hingga terbit fajar! 

Jika dilihat dalam ayat tersebut Allah SWT mengulangkan ayat Lailatul Qadr itu berulang kali, dan ini adalah disebut sebagai satu penekanan telah diberikan Allah, bagi menunjukkan sesuatu yang sangat penting dan juga ia menarik perasaan ingin tahu bagi sesiapa yang menghayati maksudnya.
Diterang juga malam berkat ini hingga terbit fajar. Apakah rahsianya?
Ia menyatakan ukuran masa agar kita semua berwaspada. Berwaspada tentang apa? Bawa waktu keberkatan ini amat terhad sehingga terbit fajar sahaja! Agar semua kia ini berebut-rebut, berlumba-lumba mencari malam yang dighaibkan Allah dari pengetahuan kita.

Mengapa ia dighaibkan? Saudaraku sekiranya kita mengetahui bilanya waktu ajal kita adalah kita akan membiarkan diri kita dilekakan?
Dighaibkan dalam 10 malam terakhir agar kita lebih berusaha dalam mengiatkan ibadah kita, mengukuhkan lagi iman dan mencari ikhlas hanya kerana Allah. Dan paling penting dalam kita mencari malam berkat ini, selitkan juga redha jika kita bertemu itulah rezeki Allah padamu, jika tidak turut redha, kerana ibadahku ikhlas kerana Allah semata bukan semata ganjaran, bukan semata takutkan neraka..tapi kerana cintaku pada Allah.

Yang menakutkan kita ialah tidak dapat melihat Allah kelak..Allah tak pandang kita..Kita harap Allah memandang kita, dan kita memandang Sang Kholiq, tidak kamu merindui Tuhanmu?Tidakkah kamu mahu melihat Allah?
Moga Allah menyambut kepulangan kita dengan Salam sejahteraNya..

Jangan pula lupa saudara kita yang dizalimi di seluruh dunia, kirimkan doa pada mereka dalam malam-malam terakhir ini, ini detik perpisahan yang tidak sanggup dihadapi oleh orang-orang soleh..

Hai kekasihku Ramadhan...mengapa begitu cepat pemergianmu, mengapa begitu lantas malam-malamku berlalu bersamamu..belum puas lagi ku ingin mendamping kerahmatan yang dikurniamu..memeluk dan memerah segala keberkatan agar tercurah buat ummat yang lupa ini..

Moga Allah menerima amalah hamba-hambaNya, Ya Mujibb bebaskanlah kami semua dari azab api neraka dan masukanlah kami kedalam syurgaMu tanpa hisab..jadikan mati kami ini suatu kenikmatan (syahid) , kerna kami ingin hidup disisiMu..

Sunday 16 June 2013

I Can Hear

Ending 25 of Naruto Shippuden ^^ ...

English Subtitle:
Worn out and tired
we finally reach our destination
"Tomorrow will be much brighter"
that's what our teachers said
But where should we walk to go and find this light?
For, I don't know, but let's go
Forgive me for my simplicity
But please give me a challenge to defeat
I'm sick of the ordinary everyday life
Burn up this MIC with our rock n' roll
From here, I can hear your voice
That's the only thing that's real...
just let it go
This song
I can hear you are screaming
I can hear you are screaming
We'll run through the night with our hearts on fire
can't you see can't you see can't you see my face
It's not anybody, but us and our dream
that I want to believe in
I can hear you are screaming
I can hear you are screaming
We'll keep on screaming and wrench open the gate to tomorrow
don't worry don't worry don't worry baby
It's not anybody, but us and our dream
that I want to believe in

The meaning behind this song...I love it already ^^ .. & he love it too...

Saturday 1 June 2013


Doesn't this feel nostalgic? It's been a long time since they've been together...

The fight begin...

Have u ever wonder? Naruto & Sasuke always on the front where they fought shielding Sakura.. Someone said that Sakura is useless & not comparable to be with Naruto & Sasuke.. Sakura thought she was already a good kunoichi but she always walking behind them.. She decided that the next time she would show them her back..

But... Naruto & Sasuke were always infront of her, going forward.. She thought that in the end, she couldn't reach them that they were too skilled..

Once, Sakura thought that medical ninja mustn't die so they must never go ahead of the others... Then, Tsunade said that was true.. But that doesn't mean that u don't have to learn to fight yourself because u're my disciple.. So, u'll inherit the power of sannin...

Finally, she release it :D .. She's been saving up chakra in one spot for 3 years.. That's extremely precise chakra control.. She's became a monster that might be worse than Tsunade.. Thumbs up!

It seems that finally she could catch up with them.. :)

Sakura: If u're busy fighting, i'll snatch the hokage seat...

Friday 31 May 2013

Team 7

Everybody came back, buddy :D ...Orochimaru summoned them & the hokages stopped the juubi's attack..

It's kinda funny face when Madara saw Hashirama.. As they were once bestfriend, right? & they always wanted to have a fight & most likely they were rival..

I love this scene too ^^ ..

Then, they began their fight.. Minato turned into Bijuu Mode.. So, even Minato can do that.. It is because he's the one who performed that complex seal on Kurama.. My responsed ''Wowwwwww!!!" haha xD Im quite impressed.. 

Then, the hokages do ''Shisekiyoujin'' where it means ''Formation of the 4 red suns''.. It's a red barrier to trap the juubi.. That's even stronger than the Shishienji..Only 4 people of hokage level could do it..


Sasuke joined the battlefield ^^ .. But everyone were very careful with him..

Ino: Eh.. Sasuke-kun???
Shikamaru: Hey Ino.. Stop!!! He's our enemy..
Chouji: Ino.. U shouldn't get close to him!!
Kiba: Why are u here, bastard!!!
Sakura: Why did u come here?

Sasuke: Many things happened.. But i decided to protect the village... & I... will become hokage...

A rogue ninja suddenly become a hokage.. What?!!! I kept scrolling the page.. Wondering what kind of joke was that.. & my reaction was the same like them xD ... Could it be like this? lol.. that face~

Sasuke: I don't care what u think about me.. The kages created this situation.. I'll become the hokage &    change the village..  
Naruto: I'll be the one to become hokage..
Hashirama: I'm happy that we have so many hokage candidates, but u're taking it too easy.. Prepare your chakra!! We must defeat that with combined attack!
Naruto: Let's go Sasuke!

What makes me touched is to look they band together :') ... Once again.. Team 7 is reborn now! ^^

Saturday 25 May 2013

The Hole In The Heart

Remember this chapter? Where it is the cause of Obito's hatred...

Chapter 629 'Windhole' reveal everything... Obito started the war not only because of Rin & Kakashi.. Obito knows everything.. Rin chose her own death.. That time Rin had been kidnapped by the village of the Mist & made into the jinchuuriki of the Sanbi.. Kakashi managed to rescue her but that was the Mist's plan.. They even pretended to chase Kakashi to hurry him back to the Leaf.. But once Rin was back to the Leaf, they will unleash the Sanbi so that it would destroy Konoha...

Rin decided to die by the hands of the one she loved... To protect the Leaf..

For Obito, the world is full of fake.. Including Rin's death.. The real Rin is where she alive.. Obito had nothing but pain in his heart.. That's why he destroyed everything & wanted to create his own world.. Where  he can have anything in his illusion world..

But then Kakashi said ''The hole in your heart is something that other people can fill.. If u reject your friend's feelings & this world just because something didn't go as u wished, no one will ever come to u.. & so that hole won't be filled either.. If u just run away without doing anything, people won't do anything for u either.. As long as u don't give up, u'll be saved..''

Obito: ''U're all talk. Only by getting rid of this reality & the feelings of your friend in this world, u can find real happiness! ''

Kakashi: ''In the world of shinobi, people who break the rules are called trash.. The ones who don't treasure their friends are worse than trash... & the ones who don't treasure their friend's feelings are even worse than that.. Even it is u refusing them..''

So, for me... Rin's death is still the main causes of Obito's changes... & Kakashi was right..  A gift is to give.. If we want something, we have to sacrifice ourselves in term of realizing our dream... & Naruto had said that ''The most painful thing is not having my friends here''.. Faith.. Unity.. Bond.. are our sources of strength..

Friday 24 May 2013

~Siapa Aku ?~


Aku adalah titian kalam yang sunyi, terhimpit di lorong yang malap. Hidupku seperti sebuah buku,punya banyak halaman yang kosong, terkoyak dan berdebu. Di mata dunia tiada mengenali siapa aku, di mata akhirat aku jua tidak mengenali dimanakah aku. Adakah langkahku menepati rahmatNya atau akukah yang sedang berlari ke arah api yang menjulang. Aku tidak tahu dan jarang aku peduli.

Aku sentiasa meronta mencari ruangan damai, ingin tidur dalam buaian kemanisan iman..sedang diri ini sentiasa terasa kotor, apakah selayaknya hatiku patut diletak nur yang suci? Sedang hatiku seperti rumah usang, bagaimana layak aku melayan permaisuri iman. Akulah hamba yang tergelincir, akulah hamba yang dhaif, kesalahan ditanggung aku, akulah penulis ceritaku sendiri. Akulah yang menjahit luka-luka ini setelah aku sendiri melukai nur yang diberi. 

Akulah insan yang sombong itu, sudahpun memiliki nikmat masih lagi merungut kerana secebis kesusahan. Padahal hati kecil sentiasa memberi bisik “Engkau tahu engkau insan teruji” , namunku lebih gemar mendengar nafsu mengambil takhta di hati. Lebih gemar memerhati khayalan dan mimpi.

Akulah pendosa itu, akulah cermin yang memantulkan kemunduran dan kealpaan. Siapalah aku untuk dipungut cintanya, siapalah aku untuk dikasihi..Akulah yang merugikan waktunya, akulah yang merugikan usianya, jika usia mampu berkata-kata sudah tentu ia menghina dan mencercaku kerana amanahnya tidak ku jaga, namun mengapa aku masih terdaya untuk dilekakan? Sedangkan imanku meraung untuk diselamatkan, tapi aku masih mahu memeluk kenikmatan dan melupai hari kebangkitan.

Akhir masa aku bakal meraung kesakitan, saat pemutus nikmat datang menjemput pulang kian tiba. Jeritanku tidak didengari alam, aku kaku menghina diri. Aku tahu ia bakal datang dan tidak pernah penat mengejarku dari depan dan belakang, dari kiri dan kananku. Tapi aku masih tergelincir di ruangan kosong ini.

Akulah yang membiarkan kesempitan hidup sebagai alasan untuk kekal begini. Siapakah yang dapat menyelamatkan aku dari segala kekura
ngan ini? Siapakah aku?

Akulah hamba Allah yang lupa itu. Akulah kisah silammu dahulu, kisahmu kini, dan akulah kamu kemudian hari. Jika kamu tidak berwaspada menjaga imanmu, nescaya aku akan menjadi kisah hidupmu.
Aku adalah kamu.

Berubahlah, NUR HIDAYAH diberi hargailah, jagalah permaisuri iman itu.
Ya Allah jangan pesongkan jiwa ini sesudah diberikan hidayah.

Saturday 13 April 2013

Sasuke's Answer

At last, what i've been waiting for... is to look u change, Sasuke-kun... n_n

That was him at first.. he doesn't realized the truth & what everyone had sacrificed for him & the village... What he knows... he only wants to take on revenge... Nothing else more than that...

For me... :( ... What a disappointed feeling was that... But not today ;) ... I can't stop smiling...

Hashirama told Sasuke about the truth story & most of them related to the uchiha clan... His dreams with Madara was to build a village & to join forces so that they won't be any useless quarrels... No more people would be sacrificed.. No more children would have died... It was like a dream .. Senju & Uchiha had joined forces...

But shinobi are people who endure to achieve their goals, but depending on what they choose as their goal, they change.. like madara & Hashirama.. Madara destroy his previous dream... Madara changes & become evil...

Now, Sasuke knows everything... he been asked... So, what are u going to do, Sasuke-kun? Will u destroy the village? or....

Sasuke-kun... I love to hear your answer ^^


That's it... Sasuke & his team with the four Hokages will definitely join forces in terms of defeating Uchiha Madara & Uchiha Obito which are very powerful... What's next? I can't wait

Wednesday 10 April 2013


Menanti & terus menanti... Akhirnya harusku redhai... Untuk melepakannya pergi... Kerana takdir x menyebelahi diri... & kini harus ku akui... Perjuanganku harus diteruskan di Jati... Ku terima & kusyukuri... Bahawa Dia lebih mengetahui... Apa yg terbaik buat diri ini...

...Kenangan jawab soalan Sains & Math di MRSM Pasir Salak...

Dah tiba masanya untuk aku berhenti berharap... Berharap dengan sesuatu yg sememangnya bukan utk aku... Fourth intake? Mungkin da terlalu lewat untuk aku masih menanti pengambilan yg keempat... Berkemungkinan aku xdpt kejar apa yg mereka dah belajar... & mungkin di sana, aku xberpeluang untuk bergiat aktif dalam kokurikulum seperti mana situasi aku yg kesuntukan masa di Jati sekarang... Bahas, pantun, deklamasi puisi, kawad JPAM & yg cabaran yg paling berat buat masa sekarang adalah tokoh nilam bahasa inggeris... Walaupun aku kurg mahir utk speaking, i'll try my best... Aku seharusnya jadikan peluang ni sebagai salah satu cara utk improve bahasa inggeris selain main game & layan anime... Walaupun sukar utk mengagihkan masa, aku akan sahut cabaran ni... Jadi, aku ambil keputusan untuk terus setia di Jati... kerana mungkin rezekiku lebih terserlah di sini :)

...Kejayaan bermula dari diri sendiri, bukan di mana tempat yg kita duduki...